Monday, September 30, 2013

End of Week 1

OK, so if you have been following, you know today was the big day as far as the CBC was concerned.  Well, the news wasn't great.  According to his oncologists, Stinky's neutrophil count needs to be at least a 2000, and his came back at just over 1300.  Mind you, when we started, his neutrophil count was just under 7000, which was only a week ago.  In addition, his hematocrit was only a 23%... we are used to him running low in that department, but not that low.  Somehow, his ridiculously high eosinophil count dropped to zero.  I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.  Last week, Penn sent me home with his Cytoxin pills;  Stink was supposed to start these on Wednesday, but after taking to the onco's, we decided to start him on antibiotics and redraw the blood work on Friday.  With fingers crossed, hopefully he will be well enough to have his Cytoxin on Saturday.  Me, being a neurotic cat mom, drove all the way back to work to get him an injection of Convenia... this way I don't have to worry about shoving another pill down his throat.

I really admire cats because they never, ever, show us signs of weakness, but sometimes our jobs/lives would be so much easier if they did.  With the exception of a itty-bitty amount of tiredness, Stink has not expressed any feelings of not doing well.  He's eaten every meal, ran around with Penny every night, and comes running for treats (even though he knows about the pills before hand) with every shake of the bag.  He's always happy to see me and anyone else who wants to pay him some attention.  I love him so much that I'm borderline crazy... this cancer shit really sucks!

On the up side... HTTR!  We finally got one on the W side!

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