Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 3

It's Thursday, and it feels like it should be Friday.  It has been a very long week.  Being short staffed at work can really take a toll on a person, especially when it seems to be a never ending story.  Anyway, Stinky was a little stand offish this morning.  I've been feeding him a high calorie recovery diet, and he ate the small amount I put out before I left for work.  He usually doesn't get wet food in the morning, but I didn't see him much this AM since the dogs were too busy being brats outside.  Plus, he seemed to be a little off.  When I got home, he was waiting at the door, which is his norm.  As the night goes on, I'm noticing he's a little lethargic.  When he comes around, he's avoiding Penny and trying to stay close to me.  Once she gets too rough, he runs off to my room, making himself comfy on my too expensive mattress (that I'm still paying off 9 months later).  Today is the first time we've experienced a speed bump, hopefully things pick back up tomorrow.

Today at work, while assisting in surgery, I found myself discussing the chemo drugs Penn has chosen to use on Stinky.  I still haven't quite figure it out, but it consists of a combination of injections and pills.  We are staring with the COP Protocol which consists of:

None of us in surgery were absolutely sure how Vinblastine works.  So of course, the first thing I did was some research once I got home.  From what I understand, Vinblastine affects the microtubules that attach to chromatids during cell division, resulting cancer cell death/slowing of replication.  Sounds complicated, but we all sat through high school biology and remember mitosis...

courtesy of some website :)
My assumption is that the cells never get into Metaphase...
Anyway, tomorrow is FRIIIIDAAAY!  And I have a 11 hour work shift... cheers to it being a quick day!

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